
Conversations With Elders: wisdom for navigating change and transitions.

I have started a podcast is inspired by the profound challenge and growth opportunity presented by Covid-19. The spotlight will initially be thrown thereon, but will also be widened to a broader range that focuses on life beyond the pandemic. It is entitled Conversations With Elders, with the elder designation referring not so much to age, but rather to those individuals in our communities who are guides and teachers, and who hold much wisdom that is pertinent for thriving through trying transitions. 

The pandemic nature of the Corona virus has brought the world to a standstill, and is impacting just about every area of human life. A lot is changing. We, humanity, are having to reassess many systems that govern our lives, which we have all along accepted as normal. This normality however is being brought to question. Many in fact predict the inception of a global paradigm shift, an opportunity for human ascension even. 

Coved-19 is also pushing us to grapple with the looming promise of death over our heads. Many of us will die, with our loved ones unable to hold our hand at our deathbed. We will be faced with grief, and complicated grief at that. This will have a huge impact on the life force of communities world-wide. 

My intention is to use this podcast as an exploration of the beyond bio-medical meaning of the pandemic, and also how we should prepare ourselves for a major humanity turning point. How do we support this transition and not revert to the old tried and tested methods that may have being the bedrock for this challenge in the first place? How do we still thrive through a change process that makes no promise other than the possible demise of an old world order? How do we cultivate courage and curiosity, and welcome the grace needed to assist us passage through? And in practical terms, what does this all mean?

The podcast is supported by Aephoria Partners, and as such, each episode will be flighted weekly on the Aephoria website https://Aephoria.co.za, my own blogspot https://PilgrimInHeels.com as well as the on the guest’s own online platform. Various social media platforms will also be used for  distribution.

The intention is for the podcast is to explore how we can do better at being human, and live a life that supports a purpose higher than ourselves, but one that is sure to benefit all that inhabit this planet. 

Conversations With Elders : Episode 1 (FT. Mmatshilo Motsei)